Tackling food insecurity
Join us as we tackle food insecurity in the communities of South Africa.
Nutritionally balanced meals donated to people of Magalela
Thanks to this OUTsurance sponsorship, Pediatric Care Africa will continue to receive donations over the next 8 months.
Thank you to OUTsurance and staff helping SA OUT
Thanks to OUTsurance and Staff helping SA OUT, the Hanna Foundation received 1500 nutrient dense meals during June 2021 and will continue to receive monthly donations over the next 9 months.
What are functional foods and why are they important?
The last decade has seen a marked shift towards healthy lifestyle living especially in light of the growing number of people affected by diseases, increased allergies to certain foods and ingredients, and worrying levels of obesity.
GENESIS founder on business, family, fun, feeding those in need and the future
We sit down with Michelle Bristow to get some insight into her life, her years of doing business in the field of functional foods, her personal life and what the future holds.
Media release: food Insecurity meets its nemesis in GENESIS
In South Africa, Genesis is making strides in conquering this global scourge, one double-pack meal at a time.